— Advinans
Rewire your retirement

Retirement is supposed to be enjoyable and stress-free, so Advinans started out by creating a planning experience to be just that way too. But when your pension is so closely linked to salary, Advinans moved to build a complex SaaS product that could help you build on your finances, from work all the way to retirement.

The full cycle.
User research
Design strategy & planning
Interviews & workshops
Personas & journey mapping
Information architecture
Product design
Systematic design
UX validation
Brand design
Brand development
Brand identity
– Challenge / Responsibilities
Pivoting as a start-up is pretty standard practice and it’s always part of the fun. With the focus on “getting to market”, iterating and deriving insights quickly through validation was a pretty obvious strategy. Think: design fast, test early.

As a Product Design Lead, I was the Visual and UX evanagelist as we built the product from the ground up, building a comprehensive design system and developing a cohesive brand ID.
– Work fast, plan smart
Building a complete service is no small task. We sifted through a lot of data, analysing services and critiquing. Then revising our assumptions and knowledge with interviews and workshops consistently.

With a specific focus on business sales growth, the product strategy relied heavily on collating and refining data gathered from sales meetings to ensure that it was both fluid, and agile.
– Strategy and quality
Based on all the insights gathered, we built a pretty strong strategy with a roadmap guiding us and effectively providing a vision for the company, all set on quality design decisions.

This meant that when designing, validating and building our features and the service - we knew our market, and we knew our selling points.
– A dynamic system
Customer experience was always going to play a significant role in the success of Advinans. At the core, it had to be better than the rest. It had to provide value.

Under the hood, our tech team were killing it and making stuff that was impossible years ago. The challenge was making this seem simple, effortless even. Working in design sprints, we built an overriding digital design system that would scale as the product grew.

A comprehensive UI kit, based on the Material Design system created by Google meant we could build a consistent service with UX at it’s base.
– Highlights + Metrics
I worked for two years on the brand and product design, helping Advinans triple in size from an initial 12 people to close to 34 by 2019 end with user numbers growing from baseline to 20 000 +. Using a relatively hyper user-centric approach, I developed detailed personas, based on interviews and workshops, with particular focus on developing a cohesive experience for companies alongside partners at Northvolt, Volumental, Einride and Linklaters.
I felt I achieved everything I set out to do. Building a service from the ground up, growing a design team organically & building a product strategy alongside a talented team, with a vision into the future.